Love Up To Death
Have you ever been in love with your bestfriend? If yes, then this is a story which you will understand and if no, then you will find out how it feels like. There were bestfriends, a boy and a girl, for many years. They could talk for hours on the phone and text each other for days. When they were together, not a single sad thought could cross their minds. Everything was great until one day...the boy didn't pick up the phone or answer messages for a day. The girl was worried that there is something wrong. At night, she couldn't sleep...she was sitting in her room crying and she realized how much he means to her. Morning came and she woke up with a phone call from the boy.
Boy: Hello
Girl: Hi, I'm so glad you called me! What happened with you yesterday?\
Boy: I was busy...(Girl understood that there is something wrong but she couldn't ask)
Boy: You know...we should stop talking...
Girl: What? But why?!.....
Boy: I'm sorry...Bye...(He closed the phone like he closed a door in her face)
Everything else were just flashes in her running by her...roof of some building...and a sunset. She couldn't understand why she felt so lonely and empty. Broken was the answer to everything. His words were pounding in her head, her heart wanted to jump out. She screamed at the top of her voice, she decided to make a last try and get him back. She called him and the boy picked up.
Girl: Hi
Boy: Hello, why are you calling?
Girl: I need to tell you something...
Boy: Go ahead.
Girl: I just wanted you to know one thing before we stop talking...
Boy: Tell me...
Girl: You know last two days, I realized how much you mean to me. I LOVE YOU!(Then the boy closed the phone.)
Something broke inside of her...she did try but maybe he doesn't care about her, maybe he wasn't even her friend at first place. Tears were slowly running down her face, she felt even worst..why would he do something like that. She left the house, left her mom a note and a small letter with it. Five hours later, phone rang in boy's room.. he picked it up and it was girl's mom. She said that the girl was in the hospital and been hit by a car. The boy rushed into the hospital and the girl was there. She slowly opened her eyes and called out his name. He came up to her and took her by the hand.
Boy: I'm so's all my fault but I promise when you get better I'll make it up to you.
Girl was just looking at him and tears were running down her cheeks.
Girl: I...won't...better...
Boy: don't say that...
Girl: Just tell me one thing...why did you do that?...
Boy told that he has heart problems and had to go for a surgery. He didn't want her to be worried and there was risk that he could die.
Boy: I did it...'coz I LOVE YOU...
Girl: I LOVE YOU too...(Her heart stopped beating.)
Boy died ten minutes later from heart attack. He couldn't live with thought that she died 'coz of him...
If you love someone...don't hold back your feelings...
If somebody loves you..just remember that love is not a joke...