Ragnarok The Animation
Ragnarok the Animation is an anime and aenimeisyeon series based on the MMORPG Ragnarok Online, produced in the first quarter of 2004 and was broadcast onTV Tokyo of Japan. In 2005, it was broadcast on SBS in Korea. It has 26 episodes. The Philippine and Brazilian distributor of the game, Level Up! Games, Inc., cooperated with ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation for local licensing and distribution rights of Ragnarok the Animation. On January 22, 2007, FUNimation Entertainment announced the U.S. license of Ragnarok on the website's Kickoff 07.
The story happens in the same world of Rune-Midgard. An evil entity called the Dark Lord wants to create chaos in the world with the help of seven crystals that represent the seven ambitions (also known as the Seven Strengths) who sealed him away years ago.
The main characters are Roan is a swordsman whose goal is to protect her childhood friend, Yufa.Yufa is the love interest of Roan, she is an acolyte and a childhood friend of Roan. Takius is a mage who wears a blindfold and searches the world for ultimate truth. Maya is the merchant in the group and usually joins parties to steal loot and make off with their money. Iruga is childhood friends with Keough and is an assassin. Judia is ahunter who has developed a relationship with Iruga. Dark Lord is the greatest representation of evil within Rune-Midgard. Keough is Yufa's elder brother, a knight, and currently a subordinate of the Dark Lord. Zephyr is a wizard, and Takius's teacher. Jiltus is the offspring of a monster father and a human mother. Because of the prejudice of her monster half, Jiltus and her mother were forced to leave their village. The cruelty of the villagers left a deep hatred of humans in Jiltus' heart. After her mother's death, Jiltus lived among the monsters and became a cruel being.
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